(The Decorum Bangkok: https://www.thedecorumbkk.com/)
坦白說當初規劃到曼谷旅遊的目的,就是為了要去The Decorum找朋友。
這一切的故事要從2019年一月的Pitti Uomo說起。
Recently, I seized a chance of a trip to Bangkok during our Chinese Moon Festival holidays and made one day for visiting some local menswear stores there.
To be honest, the reason I'd like to visit Bangkok is simple - to meet some friends at The Decorum, and the story started from the Pitti Uomo 95 in January, 2019.
拜網路之賜,我其實關注The Decorum許久,也經常從The Decorum的負責人Guy (上圖左一) 身上得到許多穿著上的靈感。
當時我們的團隊 (The Anthology) 和 The Decorum 團隊都是第一次參加Pitti Uomo,剛好趁著某一天中午的空檔一起共進午餐。當初在餐桌上我並沒有和他們團隊有太多的對話,畢竟有時候那種在網路上經常關注的人突然出現在你面前,還是會有一點害羞的。
Thanks to the social media (Instagram), I've been following The Decorum for a long time, and we all agreed that the outfits of its manager - Guy (on the top left) - were both creative and inspirational.
That was the first time for both of our teams (The Decorum and The Anthology) to attend Pitti Uomo. Luckily, we had a chance to share a quick lunch during a short break at Pitti. I was quiet at the moment as I often feel awkard when meeting someone (especially those "followed/followers" from Instagram) for the very first time.
The cultures and climates of Thailand and Taiwan make classic menswear rather "unsuitable" most of the time, so I really appreciate the opportunity to meet the guys who share similar values and interests with me.
Guy, Numwa, Ball
在 Pitti Uomo 期間,我也幫他們拍攝了一些照片。上面的合照是我在最後一天即將要離開佛羅倫斯時候,剛好在路上遇到他們順手拍下的。
The Decorum的負責人一共有兩位,分別是Guy (上圖左) 和Ball (上圖右),都是他們的綽號。那時候我跟他們說也許今年有機會到曼谷去,如果成行的話一定要去他們店裡參觀!
I took some photos for them during Pitti Uomo. The above image was taken in the last day of Pitti Uomo, as I came across them when I was about to leave Florence.
The managers of The Decorum are Guy (left) and Ball (right) (both are their nick names). I told them I was planning to visit Bangkok at the second-half of the year, and I will definitely visit their store!
Finally, nine months passed, and I was in Bangkok!
The Decorum的位置不是位在非常熱鬧的地段,不過店的附近就有一個捷運站 (步行大約5-8分鐘),其實還是相當方便的。因為我比較懶惰,所以我是直接搭計程車去的。
The Decorum 是一間獨棟的別墅,第一眼見到的時候給我的感覺是都市中的一個小城堡,一個專屬於經典男裝愛好者的小天地,這樣子的規模在台北應該是沒有機會可以見到,畢竟咱們的房租相對還是太高了。
The Decorum is not located at the city center of Bangkok, but there is still a BTS station nearby (only takes 5-8 mins walking), which is also convenient using public transportation. For me, I was too lazy so I took a taxi there, ha.
The Decorum is in a single house. At my first sight, I felt it's like a small castle in the city and is also a perfect place for those who are fascinated in classic menswear. In Taipei, it's fairly hard to see a menswear store in such individual building.
Kamakura Shirts (鎌倉襯衫)
The Decorum 已經創立大約兩年半,最初他們是以賣日本品牌 Kamakura Shirts (鎌倉襯衫) 起家的,店名也叫做 Kamakura Shirts Bangkok。店內陳列最多的商品也是以 Kamakura Shirts為主。而隨著販售的商品越來越多樣化,他們也改名為 The Decorum。
我和Guy的聊天過程中發現他相當喜歡日本文化,以及日本職人對於他們作品細心及一絲不苟的態度。所以店內也有不少來自日本的其他品牌,除了 Kamakura Shirts 之外,也有Acate Borsa、Resolte、Bryceland's Co.、Echizenya,訂製會方面有Satoria Raffaniello和 Igarashi Trousers。
比較值得一提的是日本的裁縫 Satoria Raffaniello,Guy在很多年前就經常往返日本訂製Satoria Raffaniello的西服,後來索性把它們請來曼谷舉辦訂製會,除了可以省下大筆機票之外,也有機會把這些國外的東西在當地推廣,這也是他們從 Kamakura Shirts Bangkok 轉變為 The Decorum的原因之一。
The Decorum has been established for two and a half years. At the beginning, they started from selling Kamarura Shirts, and their name was also called Kamakura Shirts Bangkok. As their product range expanded, they rebranded the shop as The Decorum.
"Decorum" means well-mannered, polite, and calm, I think this is the attitude and the life-style they want to deliver.
During the chat with Guy, I found that he really loves Japanese culture and Japanese craftsmanship, and thus many of their products come from Japan. Aside from Kamakura Shirts, they also have Acate Borsa, Resolute, Bryceland's Co., and Echizenya. For trunk shows, they have Sartoria Raffaniello and Igarashi Trousers.
It is worth noting that Guy has been a client of Sartoria Raffaniello many years ago, and has been travelling back and forth to Japan frequently. He then finally decided to bring Sartoria Raffaniello to Bangkok by holding a trunk show. Not only can customers save time and cost, the regular trunk shows also provide a chance for people there to try out bespoke and made-to-measure garments from all over the world. This is also the reason why they changed their name from Kamakura Shirts Bangkok to The Decorum.
店內販售的商品非常多樣化,除了上述來自日本品牌外,他們也有一些目前國際上比較有名的品牌,像是Ascot Chang、Seven Fold、Drake's、Shibumi firenze、Valstar。另外也有韓國的Casa Del Sarto及Frui。
Inside the room, the decoration is so good, and the lighting is so nice. It's a shame it was cloudy outside that day, otherwise I think the vibe in the room would be amazing in a sunny day.
They have various goods. Aside from the above-mentioned Japanese brands, they also have some well-known brands like Ascot Chang, Seven Fold, Drake's, Shibumi Firenze, and Valstar. Also, they have some Korean brands like Casa Del Sarto and Frui.
二樓是陳列的是鞋子,是The Decorum近期新開拓的一個支線,叫做The Shoe Room。包括在社群網站的經營上他們也把The Shoe Room獨立出來,專門以鞋子的推廣為主。
鞋子的品牌主要有Crockett & Jones、Alden、Baudoin & Lange 這些相當有名氣的品牌,另一方面,他們也有日本-越南的Fugashin,他們對Fugashin的評價是非常高的,但很可惜我當時太過興奮,顧著和大家聊天忘記試穿看看,希望未來有機會嘗試一下。他們在未來希望能把The Shoe Room擴張,目標是希望能在市中心有另外一間店,我也相當期待!
On the second floor is The Shoe Room, which is their new branch line for shoes. They have some famous brands in stock, such as Crockett & Jones, Alden, and Baudoin & Lange. On the other hand, they also have a Japanese-Vietnamese shoemaker called Fugashin, which is highly valued by Guy and other members of The Decorum for their good quality and reasonable price. It's a shame I forgot to try Fugashin shoes because I was too excited to talk with others, but I hope I can try them on someday. They are planning to expand The Shoe Room in the future, maybe having a store in the city center, and I really look forward to it.
二樓另一側是專門給西服Trunk Show使用的Fitting Room,我忘記拍照了,但各位可以從上圖隱約看到二樓有一個樓中樓的小空間。光用看的就覺得在這邊進行Fitting肯定會非常舒適。
Another side of the second floor is the fitting room for trunk show. I forgot to take a picture, but you can see the picture above there is a space at the second floor (it's the fitting room!!). I really envy those guys who can have their fitting here, it must be comfortable.
Shooting time!
這件綠色的上衣正好來自Sartoria Raffaniello,布料是近期國際間相當火熱的Fox Air,丹寧褲則是來自Igarashi Trousers。
As a photographer, It's my passion to take photos for the best-dressed men over the world. Guy is super stylish as I mentioned, I always found lots of inspirations from his outfits, so taking couples of photos for Guy is absolutely a must!
This green jacket is made by Sartoria Raffaniello, the fabric is from Fox Air. The denim trousers are from Igarashi Trousers.
I hope them enjoy my photos, and the photo will be put in my upcoming portfolio!
這次來也剛好和在網路上認識的同好 Charles 見面,他來自新加坡但因為工作的關係長居曼谷,也是一個超級棒的人。上方一些我的照片和側拍都是Charles幫我照的,非常感謝他!
我在抵達The Decorum之前已經去另外幾間男裝店參觀,所以到的時間已經不早。加上我一直顧著和人聊天,沒有仔細欣賞店內的一些作品和裝潢上的細節,算是有一點小遺憾。但我依然相當享受在這邊的時光!也祝福他們越來越好。
I also met my net friend Charles there, who is a Singaporean based in Bangkok, and is also a super nice guy! The picture of me and the candid shot above are all taken by Charles, thank you so much!
Even though I didn't have enough time browsing through every little detail at The Decorum (especially the store set-up), I still enjoyed myself and had a wonderful time with the staffs. I hope them get better and better.
Bangkok is the place that many people in Taiwan would travel. I really recommend dropping by The Decorum anytime when you're in Bangkok!
We went for a dinner in the evening, then a cool Japanese bar, and ended this wonderful day. Always feel thankful and grateful to them for hosting me, hopefully we can meet in Taipei someday!
The Decorum的另一位負責人Ball剛好去歐洲出差,可惜沒有遇到他。不過這邊可以順便和讀者推薦Ball也是曼谷一間平價旅館 NAP (Need a Pillow) 的老闆。我在曼谷的第一天也住在這間旅館,裝潢漂亮而乾淨、地段好 (靠近水門市場),而且超級便宜! 我也推薦大家有機會去曼谷可以去住他們的旅館。(NAP hotel: http://www.naphotelbangkok.com/ )
I really appreciated the chance to meet these guys in Bangkok. After all, it's a special experience to have friends oversea who share the same interests and we can hang out when I was at their place!
Another manager Ball of The Decorum wasn't there due to his business trip to Europe, otherwise it would be more interesting! Here, I also recommend Ball's hotel - NAP (Need a Pillow). I stayed there for my first night in Bangkok. NAP hotel is clean, well-decorated, good-located (near the Pratunam Market), and super cheap! (NAP hotel: http://www.naphotelbangkok.com/ )